Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD


Make no mistake: OCD is highly treatable. The key to getting your symptoms under control—so that OCD no longer rules your daily life—is understanding your treatment options and what's scientifically proven to work.

4 min read
4 Reasons to Find a Specialized Therapist (and Why It Matters)

While it may seem like there are specialists for everything these days, this should not deter from the fact that treatment focused on your care and

By blue-digits

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6 min read
OCD in Teens: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

OCD symptoms are hard enough on fully developed adults—but what about teens who begin to exhibit signs and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

8 min read
OCD themes that can be hard to talk about

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is often thought of as a disorder that causes a hyper-focus on cleanliness or counting or organizing. While these are

By Stacy Quick, LPC

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9 min read
What Is ERP Therapy for OCD? This Is How Exposure and Response Prevention Works

Exposure and response prevention, or ERP, is the most commonly recommended, evidence-based form of therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The

6 min read
Undiagnosed OCD can be deadly. Here’s how providers can help

Researchers estimate that in the US alone, 8.5 million people are living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and only a small fraction of this

By Grant Stoddard

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6 min read
Most types of CBT are ineffective in treating OCD—here’s why

In the 1970s, exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP) was specifically created to help millions with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) manage

By Grant Stoddard

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6 min read
What to expect if you are newly diagnosed with OCD

Something led you to seek out information on OCD. Maybe you have a loved one who suffers, or maybe you just wanted to learn more about your own mental

By Stacy Quick, LPC

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6 min read
How identifying core fears can help with OCD recovery

If you’ve read about OCD online or heard about other people’s experiences, you may have seen a lot of discussion about themes, or subtypes, that people

By John Gower

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3 min read
The integrated experience, a new approach to exposure and response prevention therapy

We just released two new features on the NOCD platform to enhance the NOCD Therapy experience: Fear and Response List and Homework.  As a leader in

By Tina Taratutin-Chung

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5 min read
What can I do when OCD makes me afraid to eat?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) isn’t just about organizing, cleaning, and washing your hands—it can infiltrate every area of your life. It will

By Stacy Quick, LPC

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7 min read
Where you shouldn’t seek treatment for OCD—and where you should

When people begin working with me to recover from OCD, it is common for them to discuss how they shared their deepest, most vulnerable fears with past

By Stacy Quick, LPC

Reviewed by Nicholas Farrell, Ph.D

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6 min read
Effective ways you can respond to unwanted thoughts

People often feel that anxiety is inherently “bad”—especially people with OCD. Really, anxiety is just an emotion like any other. Sometimes, it helps us

By Stacy Quick, LPC

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5 min read
Here’s why response prevention is the key to OCD recovery

When you hear or read about exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy, what stands out is probably exposures: exercises designed to gradually expose

By Stacy Quick, LPC

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5 min read
How do I know if I’ve started to conquer OCD?

Recovery from OCD is possible. I know it may seem hard to imagine, especially when you are in the midst of experiencing OCD, but it can get better and is

By Stacy Quick, LPC

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5 min read
Do I need a diagnosis to start OCD therapy?

People who are interested in starting obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) treatment often ask us: “Do I need to be diagnosed with OCD in order to start

By Stacy Quick, LPC

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8 min read
Your therapist may say they treat OCD, but are they really specialized?

Imagine Taylor, a young woman with OCD. As her senior year of college got more stressful, she started experiencing intrusive thoughts out of the

6 min read
How to Respond When Your Partner has OCD

OCD impacts more than just the lives of the people who suffer from it—it can have a major effect on the lives of those around them, as well. If your

By Stacy Quick, LPC

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6 min read
How I was finally able to open up about my OCD fears

We may have come a long way recently, but there is still a lot of stigma attached to mental illness—it’s an unfortunate truth. It’s seen as a personal

By Stacy Quick, LPC

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6 min read
How to get help for taboo or shameful OCD thoughts, step by step

Experiencing taboo, disturbing, and embarrassing OCD fears can leave you feeling completely helpless. I know from my own experience with OCD: when I

By Jenna Overbaugh, LPC

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7 min read
Signs you may be getting the wrong treatment for OCD

Countless times, people have come into treatment with me who were misdiagnosed in the past or previously told that they did not show the "classic" signs

By Stacy Quick, LPC

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