Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

The KnowOCD Gamechangers Directory: A First-of-Its-Kind Resource for the OCD Community

Sep 06, 20244 minute read

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an incredibly common condition, affecting 1 in 40 adults in the United States alone. It’s also incredibly serious, with the potential to become completely debilitating—even life-threatening—when left untreated. The good news? It’s highly treatable. However, finding a qualified provider often proves to be difficult due to the fact that very few therapists are properly trained in the most effective treatment for OCD: exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy.

This limited number of specialists leads to professionals saying they treat OCD without having the education and training necessary to be considered specialists—and while these providers may have good intentions, decades of research and evidence have shown that treating a complex, chronic condition like OCD requires intensive specialized training.

As a result, many in the OCD community are left struggling to find a qualified specialist, unsure of where to turn or who to trust.

That’s where The KnowOCD Gamechangers Directory comes in. Created by The KnowOCD Foundation and our partners at OCD Gamechangers, this directory is a first-of-its-kind resource that provides a free service for the OCD community by helping them find therapists who are qualified to provide the care they need. It features a growing list of carefully vetted providers, each with a proven track record of training in the treatment of OCD.

What sets The KnowOCD GameChangers Directory apart

1. It only features independently vetted, highly qualified OCD specialists.

The KnowOCD Gamechangers Directory is the only OCD directory available online that is independently vetted by a committee of OCD experts and advocates to verify that each provider listed can effectively treat OCD based on their experience, background, and training.

The committee that reviews each therapist includes representatives from The KnowOCD Foundation and OCD Gamechangers, a global non-profit organization dedicated to serving the OCD community and raising awareness of OCD and proper care.

The therapists that are listed in the directory have completed varying trainings in OCD treatment, including:

  • Behavior Therapy Training Institutes (BTTIs): Intensive training courses in ERP therapy hosted by the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) and led by a world-renowned faculty
  • Work in specific labs in graduate school
  • Work in the field  at known centers of excellence

The directory also includes those who have amassed a significant amount of training in OCD through conference attendance, courses, consultation groups, and self-guided studies.

2. It offers treatment options that work with your location and needs.

With specialists providing high-quality OCD care all over the United States, both in-person and virtually, The KnowOCD Gamechangers Directory brings expertise and effective treatment within reach no matter where you’re located. Both NOCD Therapists and external specialists are listed to provide a greater range of choices.

3. It includes important insurance information.

Finding a therapist who’s qualified to treat OCD is only part of the battle—affordability matters, too. That’s why the directory also lists the insurance plans that each provider accepts, making it easier than ever to find cost-effective, in-network OCD treatment services.

How we confirm every therapist is a true OCD specialist

Every provider in The KnowOCD Gamechangers Directory is known to have a certain level of OCD knowledge. Providers are not able to receive a listing by paying dues or by the mere recommendation of someone else.

To be considered for the directory, each provider must complete an application that describes their training and contribution to the field. The volunteer committee of experts and advocates meets to review the applications, and well-established, known entities in the field are added to the directory after this initial review.

Those who are newer to the field must complete the application and a series of questions about OCD and OCD treatment to show that they have the necessary level of understanding. The committee will then review their application and, at this point, may enter the applicant into the directory, go back and ask them for further information, or suggest the provider undergo further training before reapplying for the directory in the future.

Once listed in the directory, it is expected that every provider will be licensed in good standing and that they will keep their submission up to date (i.e., insurances taken, hours, etc.).

Our goal is to help you find game-changing care

The KnowOCD Gamechangers Directory is a free service for the OCD community so that anyone suffering from OCD can access therapists who know how to treat OCD—and aren’t just saying that they do without any way to verify the validity of their statement. 

We hope that this resource will be useful in your search for treatment. Our highest priority is helping you access effective, life-changing care, whether it’s with a NOCD Therapist or another trained specialist.

We specialize in treating OCD

Reach out to us. We're here to help.