Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

NOCD provides specialized therapy—plus the support people with OCD need

By Stephen Smith

Apr 10, 20236 minute read

When we created NOCD’s treatment model for OCD and related conditions, we set out to do something new. Not because we wanted to make a wave in the behavioral health industry, but because the OCD community needed something specifically designed for them. 

I know as well as anybody that the current state of the healthcare industry simply isn’t working for people with OCD, people like me. It takes people with OCD 14-17 years on average just to access effective care, which sometimes seems unbelievable. Personally, after spending years not knowing the cause of my suffering, I finally received the correct diagnosis, only to be mistreated in talk therapy. This only made my condition worse. And when I finally discovered exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy, the gold standard in OCD treatment, I learned how difficult it was to find specialists who accepted insurance or offered affordable rates. 

I learned how effective ERP is, and how life-changing it can be for people going through the same challenges as I was. I was one of the lucky few who could access this therapy to achieve recovery—at that time, ERP was out of reach for many people due to high costs and a shortage of specialty providers. That’s when I really knew that the OCD community needed something better. Over the years, NOCD has been committed to making ERP accessible and offering community-driven therapy, providing holistic care for the needs of the OCD community as a whole, so that people can achieve lasting results and regain their lives from OCD

Today, NOCD Therapy not only provides live, face-to-face video sessions with therapists who have specialty training in OCD and ERP, it supports therapy members between sessions, utilizes innovative technology to help them stay on track, provides spaces for the OCD community to share and learn, and so much more. Here’s how NOCD Therapy goes beyond traditional behavioral healthcare:

  1. Individual, specialized therapy with direct therapist messaging
  2. Dozens of support groups for therapy members
  3. Direct messaging with NOCD Member Advocates
  4. Convenient in-app therapy tools
  5. Customizable peer feeds and educational content

1. Individual, specialized therapy with direct therapist messaging

The core of NOCD Therapy is 1-on-1 video teletherapy sessions with licensed therapists who have received specialized training in treating OCD with ERP therapy. The effectiveness of NOCD Therapy has been validated in peer-reviewed research, and virtual ERP has been shown to be just as effective as in-person OCD treatment, if not more so.

But between therapy sessions is often when people with OCD need the most help. Triggers occur in everyday life, often unexpectedly. To provide this critical support, NOCD Therapists are available to their members through direct messaging in the NOCD app, where they respond within 24 hours, so therapy members are never alone.

2. Dozens of support groups for therapy members

Due to stigma and misunderstanding, people with OCD often feel alone in their experiences—especially those experiencing distressing or taboo themes. That’s why NOCD offers 25-30 different support groups, with sessions nearly every day of the week. 

Themes range from living with OCD to relapse prevention, and NOCD Members are able to try various groups until they find the communities they like most, at no extra cost whatsoever. And since OCD recovery often relies on a network of support, NOCD offers dedicated support groups for the family, friends, and loved ones of therapy members.

3. Direct messaging with NOCD Member Advocates

Few people can truly understand what it’s like to live with OCD, and fewer still know what it takes to learn how to manage the condition. That’s why every member who begins treatment at NOCD Therapy is connected to the NOCD Member Advocate team.

Member Advocates have experienced OCD and completed ERP at NOCD Therapy. They are available via direct, in-app messaging throughout the course of treatment to address questions or hesitations. Sharing their own experiences and insights really helps therapy members stay motivated on their own OCD recovery journeys.

4. Convenient in-app therapy tools

ERP therapy for OCD requires intention and effort—it’s not easy, but by remaining committed to the treatment process, people can achieve remarkable goals. In order to help NOCD Therapy members maintain progress and continue the work they do in sessions with their therapist, the NOCD app contains powerful therapy tools that can be accessed at any time.

Therapy members can create and practice exposure exercises, coordinate their plans with their therapist in real-time, keep a record of the work they’ve done between sessions, and monitor their progress over time—all through an effective, integrated set of digital tools designed specifically for OCD.

5. Customizable peer feeds and educational content

Connecting with others who truly understand OCD is difficult—sharing one’s experiences can be scary, especially for people with taboo thoughts. Plus, the variety of OCD themes makes it hard to find relevant, personal information. 

That’s why the NOCD app contains a customizable feed where anyone in the OCD community can share their own stories or ask questions, and others can join the conversation to offer understanding and support. Members can choose to tailor their feed to their own needs, whether they want to hear from others at a similar life stage with OCD or to find motivation from people experiencing similar OCD themes

NOCD also publishes a variety of new content from OCD experts, covering topics ranging from response prevention techniques to how VR can be used in ERP. By sharing the voices of OCD experts, we hope to redefine the public dialog around OCD, help more people access the treatment they need, and inspire the OCD community to live a life free from the suffering of OCD.

A holistic approach to OCD treatment

With the largest network of OCD specialists, cutting-edge tools to complement specialized treatment, and innovative sources of peer support, we designed NOCD Therapy to address the needs of the OCD community as a whole. This holistic treatment model is a reflection of who we are: our team is composed of folks who have OCD, who support family and friends with it, or who have professionally treated people with the condition for a long time. 

If you’d like to learn more about doing ERP therapy with an OCD specialist at NOCD and accessing powerful sources of support on your recovery journey, you can book a free 15-minute call with our team. And if NOCD Therapy isn’t the right fit for you, there are other reputable avenues you can explore to access evidence-backed OCD treatment: the IOCDF has a directory of therapists, as does Psychology Today. Our team can help guide you through these options as well, to best meet your needs. 

We at NOCD simply want everyone to get the right care that they deserve from qualified professionals—because when the condition Is properly treated, people in the OCD community can get their lives back and help others see that they can, too.

We specialize in treating OCD

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